Choose Theracream for Natural Release

Choose Theracream for Natural Release


You are already in agony from an injury or some chronic inflammatory condition, when choosing an agony release cream if you had a choice would you choose something that would not cause additional harm to your health, your body or your skin?

  1. Would you choose the natural product if you knew you could solve for the three risks above?

Many relieving support products contain artificial ingredients in the form of dyes, thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and more that are synthetic chemicals that make the product less expensive to manufacture or are used to neutralize the unwanted activity of another chemical. Many of chemicals are not even listed as active ingredients and increase the probability of skin irritations, reactions or allergies that in some cases might cause more discomfort than the very agony they were intended to ease.

Toxic chemicals and dyes, usually petrochemical and NOT natural, can harm the skin and if not with an allergic reaction can lead to premature aging, acne, and discomfort in tissue below the skin. There is also a concern about chemical preservatives and increased estrogenic hormones found in cells and urine after the use of a common class of preservatives, parabens, as well as suspected breast cancer.

While at times might cost another dollar or two because they are of natural origin, is it not better to choose a natural product that uses essential oils and botanicals without preservatives that not only ease inflammation and discomfort but actually feel good on the skin and promote healing? You are not only avoiding addition risk of irritation and injury but adding to the probability of a positive overall experience while avoiding the pitfalls of “un-natural” chemicals and complex synthetic ingredients.

These natural plant sourced essential oils and botanicals have been used for centuries and around the world to release and nourish the skin and ease the inflammation and agony.

Two Questions:

  1. You are already in agony from an injury or some chronic inflammatory condition, when choosing a discomfort release cream if you had a choice would you choose something that would not cause additional harm to your health, your body or your skin?
  2. Would you choose the natural product if you knew you could solve for the three risks above?


Then choose Theracream!